Tattoo and Flash Art Studio

After Care Instructions (For All Tattoos)
After you have left the studio you want to take real good care of your Tattoo! This is a permanent decision and it requires a great deal of care and attention.
- Remove the bandage or wrap from your Tattoo 1 hr after
- Wash with warm water and "Anti-Bacterial" soap thoroughly
- Pat dry until all moisture is removed and Tattoo is dry
- Apply a "Thin" layer of "A&D" ointment (Not Potroleum Jelly)
- Do not expose Tattoo to any sunlight for 7 - 10 days after
- Do not go swimming in clorinated pool for 7 - 10 days
- Do not submerge in water for a long period of time until healed
Repeat steps 2 - 3 for the first 5-7 days or until the Tattoo has completely healed. Once healed apply lotion to your Tattoo daily to ensure a healthy and fresh looking Tattoo. Remember "DO NOT" go swimming for at least 10 days.